
Manuel Felguérez (Valparaiso, Zacatecas 1928). Important Mexican artist pioneer of abstract art in our country, is a fundamental member of the Rupture Generation. The formation of Felguérez’s style and images is closely linked to the various movements in Europe, such as the incorporation of the geometric-constructivist, informalism and abstract expressionism to which he was exposed in his initial formation. He has mixed these elements in his own style. His work often contains basic geometric figures such as circles, triangles, rectangles and squares, in combinations to form his own “language”.

His creations never refer to death because for him art is life. He does not believe that art is necessarily for catharsis and his emotions are not reflected in his work. His focus is on aesthetics, painting more with his head and then with his hands. Felguerez describes himself as “producer and seller of aesthetic pleasure”.

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